| Barnaul successfully passed an examination on general training OKD-1 (93 points) DENEB - KEITOS DOBROVESTA Congratulations to Natalia and the West with excellent results! | | | |
| Dog show Irkutsk DENEB-KEITOS GLORIS B'YUTI - CC, CAC, BOS, closed a title CHAMPION RUSSIA Congratulations to Nina and Gerochku victory and new title !!! | | | |
| International Dog Show in Offenburg DENEB-KEITOS NASTAS'YA - Best Puppy ! Congratulations to the owners with a magnificent debut !!! | | | |
| dog show Usolye Siberian DENEB-KEITOS JUPITER SVET ZVEZDY Show of Champions - 2 Congratulations Albina and Danica with the honorary prize place! | | | |
| Dog show Novosibirsk DENEB-KEITOS YULIANNA - CAC, BOS closed title CHAMPION OF RUSSIA Congratulations to Oksana and Julian with a magnificent victory and new title! | | | |
| dog show Nizhniy Novgorod DENEB-KEITOS DOROGOSIL - CAC, BOS, BOB We congratulate Olga and Darika successful debut in the adult class! | | | |
| dog show Tver DENEB-KEITOS IZIDA KOROLEVA NOCHI - J.CAC, BJ, BOB congratulate Margarita and Isis with gorgeous debut in the junior class! | | | |
| Dog show Kaliningrad DENEB-KEITOS HERMIONE DOCH 'ARMAGEDDONA - CAC, BOS Congratulations to Tatiana with a new victory !!!! | | | |
| Dog show Novosibirsk (Champion RKF) DENEB - KEITOS YULIANNA - CAC, BOS, CHAMPION RKF, BOB We heartily congratulate Oksana and Julia with a beautiful and dignified victory! | | | |
| Dog show Novosibirsk DENEB-KEITOS YULIANNA - CAC, BOS Congratulations to Oksana and Julian with great victory !!!! | | | |
| dog show Bratsk DENEB - KEITOS RESSI BAYKAL'SKAYA KRASAVITSA - CAC, BOS, BOB Congratulations to the owners with a regular stable Ressi victory !!!! | | | |
| Dog show Novosibirsk DENEB-KEITOS NERSI YARKAYA ZVEZDA - CAC, BOS closed a title CHAMPION OF RUSSIA Congratulations to Oksana and Margarita with a magnificent victory Nurse and closing title !!!! | | | |