| All-breed dog show in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS DELOVAYA KRALYA - CAC, CHF, BOB Congratulations on your victory!!! | | | |
| Three dog shows of all breeds in Biysk (Russia) ZHAN IZ CHERNYKH BOGATYREY - JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RKF, 3xJCAC, BOS Closed the title of JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA Congratulations on your first titles and victories!!!! | | | |
| Three dog shows of all breeds in Biysk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS ZVENISLAVA JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RKF, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB JCHF, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB JCAC, BOB junior, BOB closed the title of JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA Congratulations on your victories and first titles!!!!! | | | |
| Two dog shows of all breeds in Krasnoyarsk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS IMPERATRITSA LUKER'YA - JCHF, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB JUNIOR CHAMPION RKF, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB Congratulations on your first title and new victories!!!! | | | |
| Two dog shows of all breeds in Kemerovo (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS ZVENISLAVA - JUNIOR CHAMPION RKF, JChF, 2xJCAC, 2xBJ / BOB junior, BOB VOLGA-VOLGA BURNAYA REKA - CAC, ChF Congratulations to the girls on their victories!!!! | | | |
| All breed dog show in Achinsk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS IMPERATRITSA LUKER'YA - JCAC, JCAC, BOB junior DENEB-KEITOS NEFRIT CHERNYY TALISMAN - CAC, CHF, BOB, BIG-1 Congratulations on your victories!!!!! | | | |
| Three dog shows of all breeds in Moscow (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS ZVOZDNYY DESANT JUNIOR CHAMPION OF THE FEDERATION, JCAC, BOB junior JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RKF, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB JUNIOR CHAMPION OF THE FEDERATION, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB closed the title of JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA !! Congratulations on your first titles and new victories!!!! | | | |
| National Dog Show Novokuznetsk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS GRAND SHENNON - CAC, RKF CHAMPION , BOB Congratulations on your victory and new title!!!! | | | |
| Three dog shows of all breeds in Moscow (Russia) DENEB - KEITOS ZARYA LUCHEZARNAYA JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RKF, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RKF, JCAC, BOB junior JUNIOR CHAMPION OF THE FEDERATION, JCAC, BOB junior, BOB closed the title of YOUNG CHAMPION OF RUSSIA Congratulations on the new title and new victories!!!! | | | |
| All-breed dog show in Moscow (Russia) DENEB - KEITOS ZARYA LUCHEZARNAYA - JCAC, BOB junior, BOB, BIG-3 Congratulations on your new victories!!! | | | |
| Monobreed show BRT city of Krasnoyarsk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS IMPERATRITSA LUKER'YA - J.CC, BOB junior DENEB-KEITOS ZEMFIRA SAPFIROVOЕ SCHASTЕ - Exc-2, JCC DENEB-KEITOS NEFRITH CHERNYI TALISMAN - Candidate for Champions BRT Club, BOS DENEB-KEITOS DEVUSHKA MOYEY MECHTY - Candidate for Champions BRT Club, BOS, BOB DENEB-KEITOS DUBRAVA - Exc-2 Congratulations to the prize winners and winners!!!! | | | |
| Dog show in Krasnoyarsk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS NEFRIT CHERNYY TALISMAN - CAC, ChF, LPPP / BOS DENEB-KEITOS DUBRAVA- R.CAC DENEB-KEITOS IMPERATRITSA LUKER'YA - JChF, JCAC Congratulations on your victories!!! | | | |