| Dog Shows, Novorossiysk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS OLIVIYA URAL'SKIY SUVENIR - 3x JCAC, CAC, 4x BOB, JUNIOR RKF CHAMPION, 2x Pride of Russia-1 Congratulations on new successes and new victories! | | | |
| Two dog shows in Estonia DENEB-KEITOS KI-KUDOS - 2x СAC, 2x CACIB, 2x BOB Congratulations on your new victories !!!! | | | |
| Dog Shows in Biysk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS YAROSLAVA KRASNO SOLNYSHKO - 2x Cand.in Ch.Club BRT, 3x BOS, 3x BOB, RKF CHAMPION, OANKOO CHAMPION, BIG-1, BIG-3 DENEB-KEITOS BARONESSIYA ZVEZDA UDACHI - Cand.in Ch.Club BRT, CC, CAC, 2x RCAC, 2 BOS, RFLS CHAMPION DENEB-KEITOS MOLNIYA CHERNAYA - 2x J.Cand.in Ch.Club BRT, JCAC, 3x Best Junior, CAC, BOS. According to the results of the exhibitions she won JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RKF, JUNIOR CHAMPION OF NKP, JUNIOR GRAND CHAMPION OF RUSSIA Congratulations to our girls with victories !!!! | | | |
| Dog Show Ussuriysk (Russia) DENEB-KEITOS OLIVER SAYKS - 2x J.CAC, 2x Best Junior, BOS Congratulations on your new victories !!!!! | | | |
| Good news DENEB-KEITOS ZAVETNAYA MECHTA received diplomas from RKF Champion of Russia, HD-A, ED-0 From the bottom of our hearts CONGRATULATIONS on excellent results !!! | | | |
| Top BRT Ranking March 2020 DENEB-KEITOS MOLNIYA CHERNAYA Junior Champion of Russia | | | |
| Crufts 2020 England DENEB-KEITOS ONIX - Best puppy DENEB KEITOS NASTASYA - R.CACIB, R.BOS DENEB KEITOS EMPERIUM OF LOVE - 1st in Limit, 3th in Open Congratulations on your great results! | | | |
| Special show BRT Vladivostok DENEB-KEITOS VIRADES DIS - BOS closed the title CHAMPION СLUB BRT, RUSSIAN GRAND CHAMPION Congratulations on your new victory victory! | | | |
| Two dog shows in Novosibirsk + specialized BRT DENEB-KEITOS MOLNIYA CHERNAYA - 2x J.CAC, Ю.КЧК, 2x BJ, closed the title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA DENEB-KEITOS YAROSLAVA KRASNO SOLNYSHKO - 3x BOS, 2x ВОВ, 2x BIG-3 DENEB KEITOS YAMAKHA STAR VENTURA - CC Congratulations to our girls with victories !!!! | | | |
| International dog show Vladivostok DENEB-KEITOS VIRADES DIS - САС, CACIB, Champion of RKF, BOS, Cand.in Ch.Club BRT Congratulations on a decent victory!
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| Dog Show in Irkutsk NEVSKIY ALEKSANDR NOCH 'NA KUPALU - САС, BOS, BOB, BIG-1, BIS-2 Congratulations on your great victory! | | | |
| International dog show in Poland Эксперт: A. Kaźmierski (PL) DENEB KEITOS SHANGEREY - САС, СACIB, BOS, BOB Congratulations on victories to Irina and Grisha! | | | |