What are the guarantees for a puppy

Dear future owners! We hope that your decision to acquire a puppy is seriously considered and deliberately.. 

DOG – This is not a toy!  This is a living creature that needs not only love, but also care, education, and, if required, treatment.

Pet owners should understand that by taking a dog, they, along with the joy of communicating with it, acquire responsibility for it, respectively, some problems and inconveniences. Are you ready for this?

We, as breeders, want for our pets a happy life in a loving, responsible family. And first of all, we are waiting for people who want to have a puppy (dog) as a family member, companion and friend, and exhibitions, sports, breeding will be just a pleasant addition, if you yourself want it.

You should understand that the show and sporting career of your pet is mostly the work of the owner. Not a single puppy, no matter how extraordinary exterior data it has, without systematic work, training and daily care, will be able to become a show dog.


Very often buyers want to get a guarantee for a puppy, it is absolutely not taken into account that a puppy is not a computer program working according to a given algorithm and not a mechanism, but a LIVING, CONSTANTLY DEVELOPING AND CHANGING BEING!
The health, development of the puppy, and often the exterior, directly depend on the conditions of keeping, feeding, on the amount of time given to the puppy.
Of course, there are cases of genetically hereditary abnormalities, but not at all as often as the buyer thinks, trying to write off any of his own puncture on "bad heredity"! By the way, often veterinarians (to be honest, there are very few real professionals among them!) Any health problem, which they cannot solve, is attributed to heredity. It is very convenient, why bother, why look for a reason, your own lack of professionalism can be covered up with a mysterious and capacious word - heredity!


Each of our puppies is sold under a sale and purchase agreement, which indicates all the rights and obligations of the parties.


Now let's take a closer look at what we can guarantee and what we cannot.

Most of the puppies in our kennel are sold at the age of 80-120 days

What we guarantee to our buyers buying puppies of this age:


1. Compliance of the puppy with the declared breed. The authenticity of the origin indicated in the breeding documents (puppy metric or pedigree). The puppy's compliance with the breed standard at the time of sale.


2. Health at the time of sale. We DO NOT SELL knowingly sick puppies. If the dog has any diseases or injuries or breeding marriage, the buyer will be notified of this. We guarantee timely deworming and vaccinations, feeding with high quality super-premium food.


3. The health of the puppy's parents, that is, at the time of mating, the parents did not have any signs of illness and all the necessary veterinary procedures were made to them, as well as pictures for dysplasia HD, ED and genetic tests.

4. Consultations (maintenance, feeding, education, treatment).



The breeder CANNOT guarantee that the puppy on sale will win at shows, be able to be used in breeding, will be as big and bony as his parents, since these circumstances largely depend on the conditions of keeping, feeding, raising, training that are provided by the owner of the puppy and the breeder can no longer control this process.


We CANNOT guarantee that the puppy will have the correct bite after the change of teeth. Because spoiling even the best teeth of a puppy can be easily done through ignorance or frivolity of the owner.


We CANNOT guarantee the puppy's and the dog's super health for their entire life. When giving a puppy at a young age, we no longer control such factors as: balanced feeding, maintenance, upbringing, the correct load on a growing and developing organism, past diseases (for example, piroplasmosis, which is transmitted through a tick bite or the common cold) and correctness, and timeliness of their treatment. The health and life of the dog depends on these factors, and if we cannot control them, then we cannot guarantee this. For example, just one wrong feeding can earn a lot of health problems, illiterate training, especially in hot weather, or for example, using treadmills, you can simply make a disabled puppy.


Well, as for genetic problems .... we CANNOT predict at all what genetic set this or that puppy got.
There are more than 450 dog breeds around the world, from the smallest to the largest, and about the same number of known genetic diseases. There are no 100% healthy dog ​​breeds that do not carry some kind of mutation. All breeds are more or less susceptible to various diseases transmitted from their ancestors. BRT are perhaps one of the healthiest dog breeds. But nevertheless, they also have their sores.
Genetic problems cannot be seen under a microscope, and they can be caused by dozens of genes and factors, and can manifest themselves after 15 generations. It also happens that a genetic predisposition to a particular disease is transmitted, and improper feeding, maintenance or stress greatly aggravates and reveals the situation. We try to protect the resulting generations of puppies, in breeding we use only healthy dogs, without signs of any diseases. But we cannot be responsible for the breeding of those breeders who stood behind the breed before us in previous generations. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absence of genetic diseases.


We DO NOT GUARANTEE that your puppy will not have hip or elbow dysplasia, but we have done everything to minimize this risk. From generation to generation we have been testing parents and their ancestors for dysplasia.
There is no dog breed that has not been found to have cases of dysplasia. Dysplasia is not just a canine problem. It is found in humans, dogs, cats, horses. Even the wolf is said to have dysplasia. If a person has this disease congenital, that is, it is registered already from the moment of birth, then in dogs everything is different - it has been scientifically proven that all babies are born with a normal skeleton and normal joints, without signs of pathologies. Problems only appear as they grow older. 
The position of the FCI on such cases is as follows - dysplasia - a disease that is not always genetically determined, not diagnosed at the time of the sale of puppies. That is, when selling puppies, if there is no obvious pathology, the breeder does not try to foist a defective product on you, he himself does not know about its poor quality. Genetics is a complex science. We cannot predict the appearance of our own children, their intellectual potential, and, most importantly, health. And on the basis of this, no one refuses to give birth to children.


We CANNOT guarantee a good, trusting and loving relationship between owner and dog. Dogs are living things. Their relationship to you depends only on you. A puppy or a dog doesn't care how much you pay for it. It is important how you feel about him, how much time you devote to him, how you treat him.


We CANNOT guarantee that a dog bought from us will win shows. We are sure that victories are based on love for your dog, on the formed "handler - dog" tandem, and 90% depends only on the owner.


We CANNOT guarantee that this or that dog will be a successful breeder passing on its outstanding qualities to its offspring. This largely depends on the genetics that "cannot be examined under a microscope," as well as on the breeding pairs that are correctly formed by the new owner-breeder.

In conclusion of all of the above, once again I want to remind all buyers and owners of puppies that breeders are not gods and not clairvoyants, they do everything in their power to ensure that you and your puppy meet and live a long and happy life together.
Puppies - MANUAL ASSEMBLY in nature does not exist! The process of connecting chromosomes with genes into DNA chains is left to the discretion of nature. Even in human clinics, there is no equipment to properly connect all DNA strands and remove all defective genes. What can we expect from dogs !?

But if you want not to take risks and you need a guaranteed show dog, with the correct bite, the desired height and build, with health tests - you need to buy an already grown dog after the age of 10-12 months. But the cost of such a dog will be many times more expensive than buying a small puppy at the age of 2 months.

And finally,

REMEMBER! Whatever happens, first of all contact your breeder! This is the only person who sincerely worries about your dog with you, and never advises "out of spite", "for money" or "out of envy."

Don't listen to advice from random people, neighbors, friends, and work colleagues! they don't have enough experience. Do not experiment, because a puppy is a living creature and your experiments can cost him his life!

Listen carefully to the breeder and follow ALL of his recommendations exactly. In most cases, this will save you from serious mistakes, preserve the health and life of your pet.

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